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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Amazing Reader

Well done to Lucas for sharing a story with us. You are fabulous at reading!

Symmetry Time

We really enjoyed learning about line of symmetry during maths a few weeks ago. For one of the activities we had a buddy and we took turns making half of a pattern. The next step was for our buddy to complete our design. We are very clever at making patterns : )

Road Safety

Ronald McDonald came to school to teach about being safe on the road. Remember to Stop, Look and Listen before you cross the street. The children were captivated by his message and had a lot of fun too!

Cross Country

Room 15 trained hard (when it wasn't raining) for the school Cross Country held earlier this term. Look at our amazing athletes. Sorry I didn't get a photo of everyone - you were too speedy! Special congratulations to Ciara who won the girls' race.